Everything you need to lead your community through worship and discipleship this Advent. 


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Volume 2 Theme: A Thrill of Hope

It goes without saying that the world we live in feels stressful at best, and downright apocalyptic at worst. The Bible is no stranger to stress, chaos, and fear - and the Book of Revelation is a prime example - at least on the surface.

This Advent, join us as we unwrap one of the Bible’s most neglected and misinterpreted books, revealing a thrill of hope that lies within John’s apocalypse. Despite the fear and uncertainty this book presents, at its core it is a vision of Christ’s jubilant return, of the Word of God fulfilled on earth. By engaging with the various images and visions in this text, we will seek the hope in every page, and unveil the promise that lies within the chaos, fear, and anxiety of the world around us today. 

If Revelation seems too daunting, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The box includes an option to follow the Revised Common Lectionary through the apocalyptic texts that always show up in the season of Advent. From John the Baptist to Isaiah, we’ll uncover a thrill of hope that challenges and uplifts at the same time.

What you'll get in your digital box:


Two preaching options: series based (Revelation focus) or lectionary based (Year C) 

With content for December 1, 8, 15, 22 plus Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ideas


All the tools you need for worship and discipleship:
  • sermon prompts,
  • music ideas,
  • liturgy,
  • children, youth, and family content
  • worship and social graphics,
  • Lessons and Carols service
  • PLUS: A discount on our latest Old & New Bible Study on Revelation
Preview the Sermon Themes


Online Equipping Event 

to level up your planning. Theological reflection from the series creators and best practices from our team.

October 30 from 10:00am - 12:30pm (central) or on-demand afterward.

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Included with your purchase:

Rev. Matthew Ian Fleming’s new book, The End is the Beginning: Revelation, Hope, and the Love that Lit the Stars as well as a host of resources for congregations in transition, without a leader, or simply managing the busyness of the Advent season. This box will provide all the tools needed to lead the worship experience, ranging from sermon preparation, liturgy, interactive worship ideas, and music selections.

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Thanks To Our Sponsor


Adam White - Series Preaching Prompts

Matthew Ian Fleming - Revelation Teaching

Jia Starr Brown - Justice Lens Editing

Yolanda Denson-Byers, Lectionary Preaching Prompts

Nate Crary - Music

Miriam Samuelson Roberts - Liturgy

Amanda Dahlseng-Monroe, CYF Resources

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