Everything you need to lead your community through worship this summer. 


 Volume 1 Theme: 

The Good Book: Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith, One Story at a Time

The Bible can be a barrier for a lot of people of faith. It’s large, intimidating, and can be confusing! Many people are wary to read these texts, carry bruises from their upbringing, or simply don’t have enough information for the stories to make any sense. This summer, we invite you to spend time reclaiming the “good” in The Good Book - learning and relearning how ancient stories relate to our stories here and now.

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What you'll get:


Flexible options to build a summer series of any length. 

You can choose from an Old Testament or New Testament track, or jump back and forth between the two. 

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All the tools needed to lead every piece of the worship experience:
  • sermon suggestions,
  • interactive worship ideas,
  • graphics,
  • social media,
  • liturgy,
  • music suggestions.


An On-Demand Equipping Event

to level up your planning. Theological reflection from the series creators and best practices from our team.

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Buy Dr. Florence Carter's book to supercharge your sermon prep.

This resource was designed around Anna Carter Florence’s newest book, A is for Alabaster: 52 Reflections on the Stories of Scripture.

Building from these contemporary invitations into scripture, congregations will invite people to reflect on, write, or tell their own stories that interact with our ancestors in faith found in the Bible.

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Perfect for congregations in transition, without a leader, or managing vacation schedules, this worship planning virtual “box” will provide everything you need to help people find renewal in scripture throughout the summer.

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