Welcome to Stewardship in a Box Volume 1:

You Have Heard It Said (Making Sense of Faith & Finances)


Are you looking for an impactful stewardship program that's theologically-grounded and easy to implement? In partnership with the Stewardship Leaders Program at Luther Seminary, we are excited to offer Stewardship in a Box, a resource designed to give you everything you need to guide your community through a meaningful conversation about faith and finances.

Using tried and true methods from fundraising experts and stewardship leaders, this resource will help congregations from the beginning to the end of a stewardship campaign. This is not an “all or nothing” resource that everyone follows exactly and word for word. It is meant to be more of a “choose your own adventure,” setting each congregation up for stewardship success in the way that fits their context best.


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What's Included?

A ready-made resource for congregations of every size, Stewardship in a Box will include:


All the tools needed to lead every piece of the worship experience:
  • Worship and Liturgical Resources

  • Graphics for Worship and Social Media

  • At-Home Practices

  • Stewardship Basics Training Documents and Campaign Tools


Preaching Prompts

Access based preaching prompts suitable for pastors, deacons, lay-preachers, SAMs, and anyone sharing a sermon. 4-week series-based option or Year A lectionary option.

Preview the Resources (.pdf)


An On-Demand Equipping Event 

to supercharge your planning and ask questions with some of our stewardship experts.

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“You Have Heard it Said…”

Our inaugural theme, “You Have Heard it Said…,” is a worship and spiritual practice series designed to help people of faith unpack some of what they have heard about money and generosity. Throughout the series people will be invited to reeflect on how God might be calling them to use all of their money—not just the portion they give away—and discern how people of all ages might participate in God’s mission in their congregation through financial generosity.

Plus: Custom Campaign Resources

Enhance your stewardship campaign with our Customizable Add-Ons! For an additional fee (based on average worship attendance), we will provide you with bespoke campaign materials that center the mission of your congregation. These materials will feature a message from your leader(s), photos from your church, and a clear call-to-action for financial support.


What’s Included in Custom Resources?

  • Brochure Mailer: A beautifully designed brochure that shares your congregation’s unique story and mission. [View Sample]
  • Commitment Card: A personalized commitment card to inspire and facilitate congregational giving. [View Sample]

  • Social Graphics: Customized social media graphics to engage your community and promote your campaign. [View Sample]

How It Works

We make customization easy! Our team will guide you in uploading your congregation’s information, photos, and specific messages. From there, we will produce high-quality, customized materials tailored to your congregation’s needs. We can even print them for you! (additional fee for printing)

Get Started Today

Ready to take your stewardship campaign to the next level? Tiered pricing based on worship attendance. Click the correct level below.Â