
Featured Resources

Summer Series in a Box Vol. 1: The Good Book

Everything you need to lead your community through worship this summer with the theme, "The Good Book: Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith, One Story at a Time." 

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Stewardship in a Box Vol. 1: You Have Heard It Said...

Are you looking for an impactful stewardship program that's theologically-grounded and easy to implement?

We are excited to offer Stewardship in a Box Vol 1: You Have Heard It Said... This resource is designed to give you everything you need to guide your community through a meaningful conversation about faith and finances.


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Old & New: Genesis

We know how hard it is to find a Bible study that can be used easily in any context. Our premise is simple: Ignite curiosity in the Bible through generous invitation, fresh witness, and breathtaking video. Download episode 1 for free and see what it’s all about.

Watch The Preview

Bible Studies

We are upgrading to a new resource platform. Pardon the dust while we move in!


Questions? Email Us!